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God Has Plans For You
Whether you believe it or not, He does. He has even told us in the Bible that His plans will work out for our good.
Many times, we find ourselves in situations that we may not be comfortable with, but it is necessary we be there. Esther was a beautiful queen of Persia, and had learned of a plot to kill her kindred. Her cousin Mordecai told her she needed to approach the King, which could bring a death sentence to her. Mordecai told her "And who knows whether you have not attained royalty for such a time as this?" (Esther 4:14).
We might consider ourselves as of little worth to this world, but who knows if we were not put here to influence others towards serving God?
John 4:21 tells us that there are people seeking God all the time. It may not appear like it in our day and age, but with all the evil happening, people are starting to look for a different pathway. A pathway that will lead them to God and righteousness. Some of these people are praying to God for some guidance and understanding. That is where God uses us to interact with this person. We are supposed to be a shining light for others to follow (Matthew 5:16). We are to influence people for good and not evil which is so common these days.
We do not understand the providence of God, but there is evidence that God does use people or events to show the way for those who are seeking Him. God uses us to be that guiding light sometimes. So when we are assisting others in trying to find salvation and God, realize that maybe God put you where you are for a reason. Now, whether we attribute this to God's providence, or just fate, the truth of the matter is that we are here for a reason. And the sooner we figure out what that reason is, we can get busy working for the Master.
It should not be hard to figure out that the work we are to do for God is the work that will lead others to Him in obedience. So the sooner we share God with others, and share His word with others, the sooner God can use us to assist others seeking the Lord.
One of the results of getting others on the right path towards heaven, is that God can be glorified. The scriptures put a lot of emphasis upon this concept of giving glory to God. And as Matthew 5:16 reads, people should see our good works, and glorify God in heaven. In fact, there are many passages of scripture that speak of giving God the glory and praise, and we do it with our lips, actions, words, and even our thoughts.
Just think of many of our number who are here because someone else helped them find the truth of God's word. How some would never have darkened the door of the church building if someone had not invited them, and shown an interest in their soul.
So what others have done for you and me, we need to do for them. Who knows if God has put us here in this place and time to help a soul find its way to eternal glory. Let us all behave as if we believe that God is using us, and let us work harder for Him.
By Carey Scott

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