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Jesus Wept
John 11:35 is most likely quoted more accurately than any other passage of scripture. The reason is because it is such a simple one to remember. All two words; and most do not have to struggle to remember which words go in their proper order.
But let us look at the fact that JESUS WEPT! Why did Jesus weep (or cry) upon hearing the news of His friend Lazarus passing away? After all, we know that Jesus was planning all along to raise Lazarus from the dead, so Jesus really was not weeping at the loss of His friend. Perhaps the great sorrow of the sisters of Lazarus would have been upon His mind; for later on in scripture, we are told to weep with those who weep and rejoice with those who rejoice (Romans 12:15).
Let's take this a step further and think that if Jesus were here on earth today, would He weep? Well, actually, He should be rejoicing because salvation has been brought to all men, but not all men have taken up to themselves the free gift of God's grace. Jesus would weep over the billions of people who do not know Him, because they are lost.
Jesus would weep over the millions of souls who claim Jesus as their Lord and Master, yet refuse to keep His commands. Luke 6:46 "Why do you call me Lord, Lord, and do not what I say?" Titus 1:16 "They profess to know God, but by their deeds they deny Him, being detestable and disobedient, and worthless for any good deed".
Jesus would weep for the parents who do not care for the souls of their children; the adults who do not care for the souls of their friends and family; the preachers and elders who do not care for the souls of their flock or congregation they serve. Jesus taught us to love one another. The greatest gift of love is to provide someone with what they need, and everyone needs salvation. They need the gospel preached to them.
Jesus would weep for the churches of the land (world) that do not hold Him in High esteem. Sure they honor Jesus with their mouths, but reject His commands to follow the doctrines and commands of men (Matthew 15:8-9). He would weep because so many churches have been commercialized and institutionalized to the point that they have lost all spirituality. Many have been denominationalized by men to appear as believers and followers, yet their actions deny Him as Lord. Most of them refuse to wear His NAME, and many who do wear the name of Jesus the Christ, have learned to behave like those who choose to distance themselves from Christ.
Jesus would weep because so few people read and study their bibles. This is the WORD of GOD, and is the truth that reveals God to mankind and explains how man can return to God. Even though the Bible is a best-seller, it is ignored by more people than any other book; or at least parts of it are.
I am sure Jesus would weep for our nation. This greatest of all nations of all time history was founded upon Christian principles, and is today rejected by almost every element of our society (including many religious institutions). Jesus would weep over political correctness.
And Jesus would weep over the things His faithful saints weep over. Remember, we are to cast our cares upon Him, for He cares for us (1 Peter 5:7)
Have you given Jesus a reason to weep over you?
By Carey Scott

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