Many years ago my wife and I moved into a house which was very close to a well-traveled train track. Trains traveled on the tracks throughout the night. At first, the whistles from the trains woke us up. Before long, however, our sleep was rarely disturbed by the passing trains as we grew accustomed to the noise. In the same way, many people become accustomed to being around sin to the degree that they grow complacent toward it.

Actually, the Bible teaches that we are to look upon sin with disdain. Romans 12:9 makes it clear that we are to abhor (hate) that which is evil, and we are to cleave to that which is good. Hating evil, we should be disturbed by it and should not want to have any part in it. I Peter 3:10-11 says that we are to avoid evil while I Thessalonians 5:17 points out that we are to abstain from every form of evil.

Today, sin is rampant in society and can even be associated with entertainment. Songs with unwholesome themes play on the radio and movies are filled with bad language, sex, and various forms of immorality. These kinds of activities are portrayed as acceptable and normal. The Internet has brought on a whole new realm of temptation. When Christians choose unwholesome entertainment, they may at first be disturbed by what they see. In time, however, they may grow complacent toward many sins, and before long begin to engage in them.

It has been said that at first people oppose, then they tolerate, and finally, they endorse or embrace. We must keep away from this digressive process and never lose our hatred and disgust of sin.

By Mike Johnson

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