
With the economy the way it is, our family has turned to coupon-clipping as a way to stretch our shopping dollars. It’s a hassle, no doubt. Grocery shopping is now a two-person chore. (My job is stacking the cart, grabbing available store coupons along the way.) We have to plan ahead; it makes me feel a bit like Eisenhower on D-Day. We get what is discounted, not just whatever we want. But when our receipt prints, and we’ve knocked 40 percent off our bill, it’s all more than worth it.

However, we were not ready for the strong reactions we would get from other shoppers. Sure, we figured we might get some heavy sighs from people in line who might have to wait an extra 30 seconds or so. But some people get actually upset. It’s not fair, they say, that we get to save so much money. Of course, virtually every avenue we pursue is available to virtually every other shopper. It’s not that they can’t save money; they just don’t want to do what it takes to make it happen.

I think a lot of people in the world look at Christians the same way. They covet the joy, peace and purpose we find in Jesus. But they know the cost, and being a “living sacrifice” (Romans 12:2) appeals to them not a bit. So they content themselves with trying to drag us down to their level of misery.

Sorry, Satan. If your people insist on choosing misery, that’s too bad. But they won’t choose it for me. The best transaction of my life was when I traded my life for His cross (Luke 9:23-24). I refuse to pretend otherwise.

By Hal Hammons via "The Final Word" May 5, 2010

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