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Did Jesus Have A Wife?
The world was abuzz the last few weeks when someone presented a piece of parchment that contained the phrase: "Jesus said to his wife".
Since the Bible does not mention a wife that Jesus had, there is much speculation as to the veracity of this document. There are several things to remember here.
First, the name of Jesus is not unique to the Son of God. In fact, it was a very popular name in that part of the world at that time in history. James, Judas, John, and Jesus were very common names. Notice that they all start with the letter "J". These names had a meaning and the "J" usually had a reference to God. Meanings such as "friend of Jehovah"; "follower of God"; or "God is my strength". So yes, it is possible that a person named Jesus said to his wife something. Just because the name of Jesus is written does not mean that Jesus the Son of God is the Jesus of this document.
Second, and this is very important. There have been many documents presented in recent years that supposedly offer some "NEW" insights about the Savior. Well, the problem is that everything we need to know about the Savior has been given to us in the Holy Scriptures. For nearly two thousand years, there has been little challenge to the Bible and it's integrity. Many of these new documents have already been exposed as fakes and non-verifiable.
This brings us to the next point. Many people do not like the teachings that come from the Bible, so they try to discredit it in any way possible. The idea that the Bible did not mention the wife of Jesus, and if He had one, the thinking is what else did the Bible leave out. Once you question the accuracy of any part of the Bible, the whole is suspect. If any part of the Bible is in error, then there is no reason to doubt any part could be error.
It was said of Jesus in the scriptures that He is the same yesterday, today, forever (Hebrews 13:8). Every new document revealed changes something about Jesus or God that our current Bibles have said.
Most of mankind despises the teachings of the Bible; especially the parts that reveal their sin, and their ultimate destiny. So, rather than change to bring themselves into line with God, they try to change God into their own likeness and their own imagination.
Do not be distressed about any new documentation that seeks to question the Bible.
By Carey Scott

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