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Good News: You do not have to worry about that aneurysm. Good News: You are going to be a grand-parent. Good news usually is something we can enjoy and rejoice about. Often we are so excited to get good news that we want to share that good news with others and they can join us in our rejoicing.
Good News: You got the job you were seeking. Good News: Your team won the game. Sometimes what is good news for me or us is not good news for someone else. If I got the job I was seeking, it would mean that others did not get that same job they were seeking. If our team won the game, which means the other team lost the game and them and their fans would not be rejoicing.
Good news is handled differently at times and many factors play into whether we rejoice or become sorrowful. A faithful Christian may die, and while their loss is sorrowful to us, we can also rejoice that they, being a good Christian, have gone on to their reward. And while some medical information is good news, we still may be suffering from something else, and we still need the doctors to investigate other possible causes of our pain or problems.
Good News that is actually the BEST NEWS. Jesus Christ died for your sins and He wants to be your Savior. Many years ago a woman ate a piece of fruit and gave to her husband to eat. With that action, sin entered the world. Sin also known as iniquities is what separates us from God and having a relationship with Him. Isaiah 59:2 tells us that our iniquities have made a separation between us and our God. Romans 3:23 tells us that all have sinned and fallen short of His glory. Romans 6:23 tells us that the wages of sin is death. This death came about because man sinned and physical death was brought to mankind. Spiritual death also occurs when we sin. Sadly man does not have the power to overcome the penalty of death. But happily, God does, and He has made provision whereby man can once again come into a peaceful relationship with God.
The Bible calls the message that brings salvation the good news. One of the descriptions of the gospel is "good news". Why is it good news? Because man cannot save himself. Man must rely upon God to bring about this salvation. Thankfully, God has already done this for us. He sent His Son (John 3:16) to die on the cross for our sins. This gospel is also recognized to be the grace of God. God has done His part, now it is up to us to do our part.
Our part in the saving grace of God is to receive it by faith and our faith will move us to obedience of His commands. We must realize that faith alone does not work. It is grace through faith that saves us. Taking what God has done, and obeying the commands that will bring about our salvation has to be the best news ever.
Like the other good news we mentioned earlier, we should be happy to share the good news of our salvation, and we should encourage others to be saved as well. Then they also can share the good news of their salvation. Our duty as Christians is to share the good news and to proclaim the good news with whoever will hear. We just need to rejoice that we are saved and our happiness should be cause to share such joy with others.
By Carey Scott.

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