Instrumental Music:
What Does The Bible Say… Authority and Silence?

When the discussion of worship turns to the use of instrumental music in worship, it soon becomes clear that there is no command, example or even inference of the use of such instruments to worship God in the New Testament. The argument usually then turns to such statements as “they used it in the Old Testament… David had them.” Of course when one is asked to read Galatians 5:4 and clearly see that God said, “whosoever of you are justified by the law; ye are fallen from grace”, that argument is seen as doomed.
But the argument does not end. Those who desire to justify the use of mechanical instruments quickly turn to the idea, “God did not say not to!” Be it known first of all that this argument is actually an announcement that the defender of the instrument cannot find Scriptural justification for their mechanical instrument. But the question comes, is it a valid argument to say something is authorized since “God didn’t say not to”? The answer a resounding “No!”. We do not reject the argument just because of personal feelings, but we find that the Bible and logic both deny such an argument. In Hebrews 8:4 God tells us that if Jesus were on earth, “He should not be a priest” (could not serve as such). But why would He say that? In Hebrews 7:14 we are given the answer: “For it is evident that our Lord sprang out of Juda; of which tribe Moses spake nothing concerning priesthood.” Did you notice the basis of God’s argument given by inspiration... “of which tribe Moses spake nothing”! What if someone were to turn and say to the Lord, “But you didn’t say not to have priests of Juda!” Clearly we recognize the arrogance such a reply would have carried and that it would be rejected. Consider also, what about taking the “logic” of this argument and applying it in our daily life? Have you ever ordered something at a restaurant? Say you ordered a hamburger, fries and coke. When the waiter fills your order he proceeds to add to your order some chicken, tacos, a malt… you stop them and say, “I didn’t order all of that, I only told you to bring a hamburger, fries and coke!” To which they reply, “But you didn’t say not to bring the other things!” Will such a person be consistent with their religious “argument” and accept whatever is offered… or will they reject the foolishness of the same argument they expect God to accept in the religious realm?

By Jack H. Williams

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