My Mission Field

My mission field is not necessarily a thousand miles away in a country that does not speak our language. We must recognize that our mission field is where we are at any given moment in time.

If we are on the job, or in a crowded mall, or at a stadium watching an event, and even in the quiet solitude of a closet, we are in our mission field.

Every time we go through a door, our mission field moves with us. Hopefully we leave a little residue of our efforts upon others. For after all, our mission is to plant the seed, and God is the one that will produce the fruit.

Our mission field is in the pew at church, and in the parking lot. Our mission field is in the home as we teach and admonish our mates and children to seek God more diligently.

Our mission field is on the bus, or in the taxi, or on any mass transit vehicle. Our mission field is outside and can be performed while we do yard or housework. Our mission field is found the other side of this computer screen as we offer websites and other study aids to others.

Who is the recipient of our mission? Many benefit from our efforts to fulfill our mission. God is glorified, Christ is exalted, the Holy Spirit's work is accomplished, the church grows, the saved are encouraged and edified, and the lost see their sin and turn from it. But when we consider the question of who benefits the most, it is probably ME.

My job as a servant or child of God is to do what God asked me to do. God asked me to evangelize. God did not ask me to baptize, preach in a pulpit, or any other specific commands. God asked me to tell others the good news of salvation. God asked me to share the hope within me to any who might ask (1 Peter 3:15). I benefit NOW when I put forth the effort (whether results are apparent or not) and I know that I will benefit later, as God commends me with the words "well done thou good and faithful servant".

What is most obvious is that if I fail to share the good news with anyone who will listen, I know that I have possibly deprived someone of the hope of salvation.

(Hebrews 12:15) With such a grand mission before us, why shirk our duty?

Every child of God is a priest and teacher of the law (1 Peter 2:9). We just need to find a way to convince them of their duty and get them involved.

By Carey Scott 3/6/03

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