Once Saved, Always Saved?

Is it true that once a person is saved, that such a person will never be lost? No.

It is noted that Simon was saved (Acts 8:12, 13). However, he was later reproved by Peter and was told to repent and to pray for forgiveness (Acts 8:22). Forgiveness is only needed by those who have sinned. And, sin separates one from God (Isaiah 59:1, 2; Romans 3:21). Although he was a Christian, he sinned and was lost in that state. Forgiveness was possible, and he asked Peter to pray for him. He knew the seriousness of his condition at that time.

The letter of Paul to the Galatians was largely a rebuke for their departing from the truth of the gospel. They had gone back to the old covenant, the covenant of Moses. This was not acceptable to the Lord. A very pointed statement is made by Paul. "You have become estranged from Christ, you who attempt to be justified by law; you have fallen from grace" (Galatians 5:4). In their return to the law of Moses for justification they had allen from that grace in which they had participated when they had "put on Christ" through baptism (Galatians 3:27). They had been saved, but because they departed from the gospel they ‘fell away’.

It is important to recall that we have assurance of salvation in Christ. Jesus said that as his sheep we cannot be snatched out of his hand (John 10:28). Neither Simon nor the Galatians were snatched from his hand - they made a decision to transgress the will of God and the Lord allowed them to walk away. Once a person is saved, they still have the free will to walk away. It is also true that if we walk faithfully with the Lord that he will forgive our sins as we repent of them, confess them to him, and pray to be forgiven (Acts 8:22; 1 John 1:9). We are assured of our salvation, but we have the choice. Chose the Lord!

Unknown Author

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