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When people leave the church, they make excuses. They blame it on others. They complain there's too much negativity. They put the responsibility on others. They're just about money, they say. They're too demanding. The preaching is too long and not relevant. The church was cliquish. No one visited me. The church wasn't friendly enough.

But it's always personal. No one leaves the Lord because someone else made them do it. If you are a Christian, and if you love the Lord, then you don't leave the Lord and His church family because of someone else.

Usually when people leave it is because they have hidden sins. They are privately struggling with sexual immorality. They are watching porn. They love sports or gambling or drinking and it all must be kept secret. They are out of control in their habits. Their guilt isolates them. They know they are living a double life. They have to smile at church and at the same time feel the silent weight of guilt. God is pricking them. Sooner or later, either they repent and get right with God, or else they quit the charade and leave. They leave with excuses and blamings. Excuses only conceal the truth that the charade is too tiring to maintain. And so the Christian leaves the Lord.

After a period of time, the departure will prove to be only the first sign of falling. It's very sad. It's very, very sad. It's sad for the fallen soul. But it's also sad for the church. The false accusations. The negative remarks against God's people. The church was made to feel guilty. The church members were made to believe things happened causing the person to leave. Preachers, Elders, Teachers, and others Christians had the blame pinned on them. And they second guess and think maybe their imperfection was to blame. This is a case of injustice. It's very sad that people don't leave and just be open and honest about why that they just don't love the Lord.

By Dan Mayfield

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