The Powerful Life Of A Christian

There can be little comparison to the life of one who is a child of God and one who is not. For the Christian, life is full of meaning and purpose. A sense of quietness invades the soul with deep appreciation for the world about him. The disciple of Christ is confident with a hope of a better world that is far greater than the most beautiful of this world. The power of the Christian's life is found in a relationship with the Creator. He knows where he came from, he knows why he is here and he knows where he is going. These questions plague those who do not have the peace of God living in their hearts.

Men seek to find their beginning with the animals or the green slime of evolution. People of God find they are created a little lower than the angels. (Psalm 8) The daily pursuit of man's knowledge is seeking to find happiness in all of the today's progress with little understanding of why he is here. He thinks happiness is found in wealth, fame, pleasure and knowledge. He spends his life seeking after those things that are of no avail. (Ecclesiastes 1,2) For the Christian, life is filled with the promises of God that all things will be provided by Him. (Matthew 6:25-34)

Men fear death and tremble at the monuments reminding them of its certainty. The world beyond is filled with dread and false hope. Many believe that when men die that is all there is to life. There is no promise of a life beyond death in the minds of those who do not believe in God. The Christian lives to die because death is gain, not loss. The world beyond is a place where there are no tears, no sadness, no death and no pain. (Revelation 21:4) The power of the Christian's life is knowing that while life can be hard and difficult, God has promised a place of rest from all labors and toil. (Revelation 14:12,13)

The power of the Christian's life is found in the peace of godliness. Instead of hating others and filling their lives with bitterness, the child of God is forgiving, loving, kind and full of mercy. The words of the disciple of Christ are based upon truth and sincerity. (Colossians 3) The Christian home is established upon the principles of God's law. The husband and wife find love for one another in accordance with respect and mutual love. (Colossians 3; Ephesians 5) The father and mother seek to train their children in ways of godliness and truth. The home is undergirded with the obedience of godly children finding obedience to the parents. (Colossians 3; Ephesians 6)

The Christian employee and employer are of the highest caliber in honesty and integrity. (Ephesians 6; Colossians 3) As citizens of the country, children of God respect and honor government as it falls in accordance with God's will. (Romans 13) The relationship of saints of God with their neighbors is one of love. (1 John 3,4) The needs of others are put ahead of the needs of the one. (Philippians 2) In all things, the power of the life of a Christian is based upon the design of the Creator.

The powerful life of a Christian is like a beacon of light to the world. It is like the savor of salt that seasons the world with the glory of God. "You are the salt of the earth ... You are the light of the world ... Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works and glorify your Father in heaven." (Matthew 5:13-16) The goal of the Christian's life is to let others see Christ living in them. (Galatians 2:20) The power of the Christian's life is for men to see God dwelling in them in their words, actions, deeds, thoughts - their life. The spirit of the child of God is realized in the spirit of God given at baptism as one becomes a child of God. (Acts 2:38,39)

Finally the power of the Christian's life is seen in the hope of heaven that brings eternal life, eternal joy and eternal blessing in the presence of God. The Christian's life - what a powerful way to live!

By Kent E. Heaton Sr.

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