Discover the Treasure of Quiet Time

“And in the morning, rising up a great while before day, he went out, and departed into a solitary place, and there prayed.” Mark 1:35 (KJV)

In our rushed state of "doing" these days, the suggestion, "find some quiet time" seems unlikely if not impossible. “Time” seems to elude us and perhaps the devil is responsible? When we decide to spend time with our Lord, the devil tries to place obstacles in our path. Also, our “natural self” gets into the way of blessed devotion. Is there a way to truly devote some special time to the Lord? I believe we can if we are willing to put forth the effort. The rewards are sweet. This passage reminds us that Jesus Himself set the example to follow.

In all the expensive and complex equipment of today's world, it is refreshing to get back to the simple things. We need to recharge our spiritual batteries and "quiet devotion" is an excellent means to such an end. I enjoy electronic "gadgets." Computers fascinate me. In doing a Bible search for the word "grace,” I instantly discover it appears 124 times in the Bible. Conducting a different search, I find that the words "love" and "Jesus" appears together in the same verse 28 times! This instant access to knowledge can be overwhelming. It would take anyone several days to scroll through the Bible to find all such passages. However, to walk peacefully in the woods and meditate upon the Love of Jesus that resulted in God's grace in my life cannot be replaced with any “electronic gizmo.” The times of peaceful communion with my Lord adds to the richness of our relationship.

Jesus often found need to find a quiet and solitary place in which to pray. He found it necessary to be alone and "connect" with the Father. Who are we to think differently? We are not superman nor superwoman. The world seems to think “winning” means material gain and monetary victory. Many of us are no doubt success driven, but let us plan to find some time to be alone with our Lord. Allowing eight hours per day for sleep, ten minutes a day for a quiet devotional time comes to about one percent of our day! Can we find anything that compares? That is, can we find an activity that pays so wonderfully for such a small investment of time?

Remember the prophet Elijah? In First Kings, chapter nineteen, we find Elijah seeking a word from God. First there appeared a powerful wind. Next, an earthquake took place. Then a fire. However; Elijah did not hear from God in those events. Rather, God choose to show Himself in a “gentle whisper” to Elijah. Do we sometimes look for the powerful, miraculous leading of God when He appears in the quiet of a gentle whisper? Psalm 46:10 tells us, "Be still, and know that I am God.” (KJV).

Some people claim enhanced performance when "under the gun," but is it is the best way to achieve Christian growth? Rushing to make a decision in life can yield disastrous results. Likewise, we do not "force" spiritual growth. Growing up in Christ is not achieved by "burning the midnight oil" to pass the exam! Times of quiet, unrushed devotion brings us closer to our Lord little by little.

In the text passage, we find that Jesus had to rise early to find a time of peace. We may likewise have to put in the extra effort to carve a time for our devotion to the Lord. Once we commit to spend a few minutes with the Lord, we will discover many obstacles in our path. When that happens, be blessed to know you are probably on the right track!

Ten minutes alone with our Lord seems such a short amount of time. Yet, we may have to examine some priorities in our life. Be careful not to let "things" interrupt our quiet times with the Lord. May God bless your continued study of His Word.

By Gary Stone

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