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The Rule Of Law
Anyone who has paid attention to the news recently has heard this phrase used by people in politics. It basically means that when people have different thoughts about something, that the rules already established by law should supersede any opinions.
Sadly the politicians seem to pick and choose which laws they want enforced and which laws should be ignored. This is very frustrating for law-abiding citizens who try to obey the laws in effect, and see others just ignoring such laws.
We have the same situation facing the church today whereby some advocate NOT following certain laws that have been written. While some may consider the law of God too restrictive, they play upon the word "grace" to consider that "some things are more important than law", and "God weighs the heart." This is not used in a way as intended by scripture. People who use this phrase are trying to justify themselves because they are not following the rule of law, so they guess that God knows the hearts and intents of those hearts, and will not hold one accountable to the rule of law. The proper use of the phrase is that God will judge us by not only what is in our heart but our deeds as well. What is in our heart comes out and is on display for all to see by our actions. When we choose to NOT follow God's law, God knows our hearts are wicked and have no intention of being faithful to Him.
The Bible teaches that sin is transgression of the law (1 John 3:4). Transgression means to cross against, violate, or break the law. So anyone who does that which is condemned in the Bible, or does not do what is commanded in the Bible is wrong and guilty of sin. Yet people violate God's laws all day, every day in our world, and some people in the church do this also. They have convinced themselves that God's grace is so great that He will overlook their sin, and not follow the rule of law. They are mistaken, and that mistake will be very costly in the end when they stand before God in judgment. And there are many passages that describe that after everyone dies, they will stand before God and give an account of their actions, and not just what was in their hearts.
Some will argue that we are not under law, but under grace as quoted in Romans 6:14. Their main argument is that law-keeping is a meritorious work that does not provide salvation, because God's grace provides salvation. Yet they ignore the very next verse which says: "What then? Shall we sin because we are not under law but under grace? May it never be".
Sin is breaking the law, and it is never right to break the law of God. Even though God provides salvation by grace through faith (Ephesians 2:9), we must realize that doing God's will is not optional if we want to go to heaven. The passage in Romans 6:14 is telling the readers that they are no longer under the system of Law as given through Moses, but are under a different law. A law that relies upon the grace of God as demonstrated through our faith and actions.
Many debates are conducted about the rule of law of God's word. It is a tragedy that so many choose to ignore God's law for their own personal feelings and desires. May we all be faithful to God and live according to His precepts.
By Carey Scott

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