It is said that every person has a story. Every life is special. We all have had unique things to happen to us. Our backgrounds, the people we have met, those who have made an impact on our lives are all a part of who we are. Everyone has a story to tell.

Sometimes "our story" can help others. When we were prodigals from God and living in the far country we made many mistakes. Telling young people about our mistakes can keep them from making the same mistakes. Our story can help.

"Our story" of raising our children can help new parents as they struggle with discipline, schedules, and other things.

The song, "Faith of our Fathers" reminds us of the great spiritual sacrifices that earlier Christians made. Their story is part of our heritage. The starting of congregations, the spreading of the gospel in new areas are lessons that we should never forget. How thankful and blessed we are because of the work of our brethren in years gone by.

But we need to appreciate that there is a limitation on telling my story. This is especially true when trying to lead someone to Jesus. Paul told Timothy to "Preach the Word" (2 Tim. 4:2). He didn't say, "tell them your story." Nor did he say, "Share with them what Jesus has done for you." There are some reasons for this.

Our faith rests in Jesus, not someone's story. Faith, we are told, comes by hearing and hearing by the word of God (Rom. 10:17). God's Word is inspired and factual more than it is emotional. Long, drawn out details are often not given. Our story can cause some one to cry and send chills up and down their spine. But God wants people converted by His Word to Jesus, not by some great story of ours. Paul told the Corinthians, "We preach Christ crucified" (1 Cor. 1:23). Everyone comes to Christ the same way. They believe the Word of God, repent of their sins, and are baptized into Christ. Whether that was done on a Sunday morning in a church house, or Tuesday at midnight in a prison, or in a swimming pool during camp doesn't change what was necessary to come to Christ.

Be cautious in telling "your story." You don't want someone converted to your story instead of the gospel. When that happens, we can start telling our story more than His story. A crowd converted to thrilling stories is not the same thing as those who are converted by the Word. There is a time and place for trying to help people better their lives. Bible classes need to be a time to study the Bible. We need to know "His story." It is better to tell the "Story of Christ" than your story. God's Word is inspired. It is what draws people to God (Jno. 6:44,45). The gospel is what Jesus wants us to tell to every person (Mk. 16:15). God's Word is powerful and sharper than any two-edged sword. It will do the job. Believe it!

By - Roger Shouse in Biblical Insights, Vol. 5, No. 11,
Nov. 2005.

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