The Governor, Pilate, came very close to making a great discovery. Jesus had just told him that He had come into the world to bear witness to the truth. This prompted Pilate to ask the question: “What is truth?” (Jno. 18:38). This clever Roman politician had asked the right question to the right person, yet his answer was standing beside him! Instead of investigating further or believing based on the great works of Jesus, he only passed off the answer by concluding: “I find no guilt in Him.” Eventually, all of us find ourselves in Pilate’s situation, where we must decide about this One Who claims what no other can claim -- that He is the Truth.

Throughout history many religious leaders have come and gone. Yet not one has claimed to be “the truth” and then proved it by rising from the dead! Many people down through the centuries of time have found Jesus’ life, His words, and His resurrection to be convincing evidence of His credibility. We must conclude that knowing the truth must begin with a relationship with Christ: “and you shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free.” (Jno. 8:32).

Have you found the answer to life’s most important question? “What is truth?” If not, consider Jesus’ statement in Jno. 14:6. “I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through Me.”

By Shane Williams

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