Worst Prayer In The Bible
There are no doubt some great prayers in the Bible that serve as models and examples of what prayer should be for us today. 1 Timothy 2 teaches us some of the qualities that should be included in our prayers. The basics of praise, supplication, petition, and thanksgiving are good examples.
In Isaiah 63 and 64 we have recorded a prayer that I believe to be the worst kind of prayer. I do not believe that these words were uttered by anyone in particular. The prophet was writing them as an indictment of the people. It demonstrates the true attitude of the people in the day of Isaiah, and I believe it is true today here in the United States. While there are many faithful Christians, there are so many more who are not faithful at all. And we can make excuses for atheists, and other religions, but the worst attitude and prayers come from the people who claim to be of God.
In verse 7 the prophet tries to get the people to remember God and all His blessings that would come from obedience. Yet God found it necessary to withhold blessings for this people. It was because of sin and iniquity. In verse 11 the bad prayer begins: The first thing they do is ask where the God who was supposed to bring blessings has gone. He did great things in the past, but not lately, and they wonder why? God tells them over and over that it is because of sin, but they just ignore what God said to them. They forget that their ancestors were witness to the plagues upon Egypt, and how God parted the water of the sea, and watched as the sea closed upon their enemies and drowned them. Remember it was just a few days, and they started complaining, and seeking divine intervention from the idols they brought from Egypt.
What they were doing was questioning the existence of God. They were saying that if God was really there, He should do something great so that they could believe. In Luke 16, Lazarus told Abraham that if one were to return from the dead, that his brothers could avoid the horrible torment. Abraham responded that they have Moses and the prophets that they should hear. People today are looking for some great thing from God so that they can have confidence to believe in Him, and we have the instructions from God in the Bible. 2 Peter 1:3 tells us that everything we need is recorded therein.
In v.17 the people as God the question of why God made them sin. What they were doing was blaming God because they sinned. True penitence comes when one acknowledges his own sin, and decides to stop that sin.
In chapter 64, while they acknowledge their sins in verse 5. God was angry when we sinned, and we sinned a long time. They admitted that their righteousness was not right, and all their deeds were as filthy rags, and because of they their nation as withered like a leaf, and they are carried away by their sins.
In verse 9 the people as God to not punish them beyond measure. What they were really saying is that they were going to continue in their sins, but they were not really as bad as the worst, so they did not deserve the worst punishment. The truth is that everyone who misses out on heaven will share the same punishment. Even good people will suffer alongside the worst people if they do not cease their sins. If they do not obey the gospel plan of salvation that is recorded in the bible. So like I said, these same attitudes prevail among the people of this nation. History does indeed repeat itself.
People must turn from their sins. They should not blame anyone but themselves, and they must cease their sins. They must acknowledge the Lord Jesus Christ, and confess His name before others, and continually the rest of their lives. They must be baptized for the remission of sins. Until they are baptized they keep their sins, and God does not fellowship sin. All of this should be done in faith. Faith that they are sinners and unworthy of God, and God will accept them because of their faith and obedience.
Come join us at the Eastside Church of Christ in Ranger to worship God and begin the faithful walk that God wants from everyone. We meet at the corner of Strawn Rd and Young St on Sundays at 9:45am for class; 10:45am and 5:00pm for worship; and on Wednesday at 7:00pm for bible study. Everyone is welcome.
By Carey Scott

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