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The Wrong Way
We know how dangerous it is to travel the wrong way down a one way street or highway. That is kind of common sense. Yet millions go the wrong way on their spiritual journey and it does not bother them. A few might realize they are going the wrong way, yet they figure things will work out if they just stay the course they have chosen to follow. This will not work.
If you are going the wrong way the safest action is to get off that way, and get to the right way.
Another way of looking at this is by the direction we are supposed to go. From Texas, if you want to go to Florida, you should travel east. So if you are on a westbound road going west, you are not going to get to Florida. Hopefully, you will discover your error, and correct it by getting on the road that leads the right direction. Once again, we have millions heading the wrong direction, and they really do not care about it.
Jesus talked about two ways in Matthew 7:13-14. He spoke of the narrow way which leads to heaven, and the broad way which leads to destruction. A blunt, but honest, statement would be that most people are on the pathway to hell. That is so sad, because many do not care about going to hell. Some do not want to go there, but they refuse to get off the path that leads there.
The basic meaning of the word repentance is one of turning around and going the opposite direction. This is easy to see, but most people just ignore it. These people want to go to heaven, but figure they can get there by doing what they have always done. Living a life that does not change will not get one into heaven. They may think themselves into heaven, and they may hope to go there, yet they continue living the same lifestyle and follow the same course that got them into trouble in the first place.
We know that many people claim to know Jesus, but their actions tell a different story. Read what it says in Titus 1:16: "they profess to know Him, but their deeds deny Him".
If you want to get on the right pathway that leads to heaven, you are going to have to get off the pathway to hell. The only way for that to happen is to change your life to bring it into line with God's instructions.
That is not really that hard to do because God has given mankind everything he needs to get right with Him (2 Peter 1:3). God provides a way for people to not sin by giving people a way out (1 Corinthians 10:13). God has provided His grace to all mankind (Titus 2:11-12). And that grace instructs us to life righteous lives.
One cannot begin a journey down the narrow path that leads to heaven if they choose to remain on their pathway of destruction. One of the problems facing everyone is the fact that many preachers these days tell people they can continue in sin, yet still be blessed to be able to go to heaven. That is nothing more than a lie. In fact it is a horrible lie. When God calls something a sin, it is a sin. Too many people want to say otherwise. Just because many people deny what the Bible says will not make anything acceptable. The only thing acceptable to God is what God has told us in His word.
If you are going to appeal to God to get on the right track, you must make the choice to follow His instructions. Making your own rules and following them is folly. Please change your life's path before it is everlastingly too late.
By Carey Scott

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