Question: What is prayer of 'supplication?'

Answer: Supplication is a type of prayer. It is also translated "entreaties"

The word comes from the greek DEESIS which means supplication or prayer for particular benefits. Also known as a request. This request can be for one's own benefit such as Paul requesting the removal of the thorn in the flesh in 2 Cor 12. It can be for a safe passage on a particular journey, or protection from hardships. We can make supplication for our health or someone elses health. We can pray that the preachers of the Gospel have a prosperous and successful ministry. All of these are request to God which we also need to understand that they are offered conditionally upon God's will. This word is more narrowly defined than the general word for prayer which is PROSEUCHE.

Other types of prayers:

Keep studying God's word. (Carey Scott, 7-6-2000,

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