The Bible Argues for Baptism

Purpose: To convict that baptism is a necessity

Scripture Reading - Matt 28:18-20; Mk 16:15-16


1. In the "great commission", Jesus ordained baptism for His followers; Yet many object

2. Bible teachings are in perfect harmony on this subject - it is essential for salvation

Subject Sentence: "Aim to show what the Bible says about it in light of why be baptized'?"

I. Why? To Obey God

A. II Thess 1:7-9 God's wrath is for those who don't obey

1. When God commands, man must obey

2. Baptism is a command - Acts 10:48; (See also Acts 22:16)

B. Baptism is a simple act

1. Only one that we are required to do just once (Remember Naaman)

a. I Jn 1:7-9; Acts 8:22 2. It is its simplicity that causes many to stumble (II Cor 11: 3.

Make note of the following:

a. Rom 6:3-7 It is the method that GOD CHOOSE for one to contact Christ's blood

b. Acts 22:16 GOD'S CHOOSING that this is the way to have sins washed away

c. I Pet 3:20-21 Step taken to obtain salvation

C. How important is this point?

1. Jesus understood the importance of Obedience

a. Jesus was w/out sin (II Cor 5:21; I Pet 2:21-22; Heb 4:14)

b. Yet, Jesus would submit to BAPTISM because His Father required it!

(1) Matt 3:13-15 (17) - Suffer it now - it fulfills righteousness!

(a) Note: John tried to talk Him out of it but could not!

(2) It would have been sin if He had not done so!

(3) Jesus knew it was His Father's will - (Consider Jam 4:17)

2. We must imitate Christ! (I Cor 4:16; 11;1; I Pet 2:21)

II. Why? Power of it

A. God is the power - working through the Lord

1. Acts 2:32-36 Note the number of times that God was shown to be the power behind this

2. Eph 1:19-20 Note what is attributed to God - this was His plan

a. Eph 2:1, 5, 6, 10 God working through Jesus to reconcile (II Cor 5:17-19)

3. How does one experience this power?

a. Gal 3:27 Put Christ on by being baptized into Him

b. Rom 6:3-7 Baptism is the burying of the old man of sin (Note verse 17 "Pattern")

c. I Pet 3:20-22 Baptism now saves us!

B. Power of baptism

1. It places one where they need to be - In Christ (Gal 3:27)

a. Note: Acts 2:41 w/47 Believers being baptized where added to the church (which is the Lord's body - Eph 1:22-23; Col 1:18)

b. Note: Col 1:12-14 In Christ, in kingdom; In Christ, redemption & forgiveness ...

2. It washes away sins - God has chosen the way!

a. Acts 9:6, 18 Jesus instructed Paul as to what to do - He was to be Baptized

b. Acts 22:16 Later Paul elaborates on the event - wash away sins!

(1) Note: Baptism is associated w/ "calling on His name"

c. Importance of washing sins - Isa 59:1-2 Sin separates us from God

C. We must accept that God can put His power to anything anywhere He chooses

1. Accusation made - "You believe in water salvation!"; "Water can't save you!"

a. Far from the truth - I Believe that God is the power behind salvation

b. It was God who placed baptism as the medium through which salvation is found

2. Two examples of this principle

a. Naaman - II Kings 5 (Leprous; Cleansing would be found by dipping 7 time in Jordan river)

(1) Observe: Jordan was muddy; much cleaner water elsewhere

(2) When healed, Do you think Naaman believed in "water curing"?

(3) God placed His power to heal where it please Him!

b. Gen 1:20 God spoke to the waters

(1) They had no choice but to obey!

(2) Question: Is this an example of "water creation"?

(3) God placed His power where it pleased Him to accomplish His purpose!

3. If God chooses to place His power to save in the act of baptism - then who are we to question Him?

a. I Pet 3:20-21 God placed salvation in this act; we have no choice but to obey!

III. Motive & Meaning of it

A. Motive - Obedient submission of faith - I Pet 3:21 (Faith answer God's command on baptism, not by second guessing, but by submitting to it!

1. Matt 13:3 must humble self like a child!

B. Meaning - Sin remitted (Eph 1:7); Justification (I Cor 6:11); Sanctifies (I Cor 6:11)

IV. Conclude:

A. To many, this command causes grief (They simply don't understand or will not submit)

1. God says - I Jn 5:3 - His commands are not grievous to those who love Him!

2. Implications behind this are severe!

B. Then why not obey?

1. H B R C B

2. For the erring child - Must remember what Baptism has accomplished

a. To get back into good standings before God - R C P

By Jim Sasser

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