Come With Me, And See My Zeal For The Lord


Ahab, king of Israel, had lead Israel into the deepest level of moral decline. It was so bad, that God wanted another ruler to clean out the house. There are times when it is appropriate to cast your vote for the lesser of two evils. In this case, the Lord was ready for Israel to have a less evil ruler . So, God raised up Jehu. God’s mission for Jehu was:

1. Strike down the evil house of Ahab. 2 Kgs.9:6,7

2. Avenge the blood of God’s servants.

In the midst of carrying out his mission, Jehu asked Jehonadab to "come with me, and see my zeal for the Lord" (2 Kgs.10:16). There are several important lessons for us:

A. Others SHOULD Be Able To See Our Zeal For The Lord.

1. Our family should see it in our attitudes, choices, and moral and religious standards. 2 Cor.7:11

2. People should see it in our attendance and participation in the work of the church. Tit.2:14

3. It should be seen in our priorities, dress, mannerisms, and talk.

4. It should be seen in our moral distinctiveness.

5. It should be seen in our caring and kindness and generosity.

B. Zeal To Strike Down Evil.

1. Jehu’s zeal was channeled into physical battles.

2. Our zeal must be stronger and channeled into spiritual battles.

3. Illustration: Do your see zeal in the US government response to the Foot and Mouth Disease? Are they over-reacting?

4. Sin is real, a disease of the soul, a venom of Satan, the old serpent. Sin must be viewed with greater fear, and put down with greater zeal. 2 Cor.10:3-6; Eph.6:10ff;

C. Zeal To Avenge The Blood Of Jesus And His Apostles.

1. We have all had a part in the death of Jesus.

If it is indifference, then we are still playing the role that Pilate played in washing his hands of the matter. If our attitude is the same as ANY of those characters that did not want Jesus enthroned as king in their hearts and lives, then we are just as guilty as any of them.

2. Must not allow the blood of Jesus and His apostles to have been spilled in vain for you. 2 Cor.5:21-6:1

3. Must have zeal to stand up for the cause they preached and died for. Our zeal here must be greater than Jehu’s.

D. Zeal To Be Honest And Open To ALL of God’s Law.

1. Jehu had zeal for limited issues. 2 Kgs.10:28-31

2. But, there were sins he wanted to protect.

3. One must not be a one-issue person.

a. One-container. Often THE issue.

b. Baptism. Often THE issue upon which some brethren will speak up and take a stand.

c. There are MANY important issues. Gal.5:19f. Things to be AGAINST. Gal.5:22f - Things to be strongly FOR.

4. Our zeal for the Lord must not be limited like Jehu’s, who wanted to keep the places of Bethel and Dan, but show zeal for the Lord on the other matters.


We MUST have zeal. But, zeal comes from knowing God and His will. It needs to be seen, and we need to be ready to let our light shine through our zeal. If it were a crime to be a Christian, would there be enough evidence to convict you? Would you be happy for others to come with you and see your zeal for the Lord? Are you happy for the Lord to see your level of zeal for Him? The Lord is calling to us through this story to examine our level of zeal, and then to grow deeper, wiser, and more zealous. Come with us.....!

by Terry W. Benton

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