Acts 13:16-22.


1. By invitation of the synagogue rulers, in Antioch of Pisidia, Paul arose and addressed the audience. v. 15.

2. He introduced his discourse by giving a brief sketch of the history of Israel from the Exodus to the time of David.

3. In verse 22 we find it said of David, "that he was a man after God's own heart."

A. Of course, these words were not spoken concerning the whole life of David in which there were some things done that were not acceptable to God.

1 Kgs. 15: 5.

B. Rather, they had reference to David's character when he was chosen to succeed Saul as king.

1) Even prior to his annointing, 1 Sam. 13:14; 16:1-13, He would not be rebellious and disobedient as was Saul.

2) Saul, was rejected because of disobedience; and fell on his own sword and died. 1 Sam. 31:4-6.

4. During the reign of David, he showed himself to be a man aftrer God's own heart in many ways.

5. By observing some of David's actions and characteristics, we too may be a people after God's own heart.


Psa. 119:89-136. In the 176 verses of this 119th Psalm, all but four of the verses speak in some way of the word of God. Only vss. 121,122,90, and 132 have no mention of the word.

A. He only had the portion of Old Testament scriptures available at that time. But, he himself, was inspired of God. Acts 4:25.

1. When we really love something, it is hard to let go of it.

2. Note the statement of Psa. 1:1-3.

a. The word had first place in his life.

B. What do some people put before the Bible today?

1. Just about any and everything: TV, Schoolwork, Recreation, Work, etc.

2. Many know more about the laws and bylaws of clubs and lodges than they do about the Bible.

3. Some women put their household duties ahead of the Bible, witness the case of Mary and Martha as is found in Lk. 10:38-42.


A. Why did he do this? "That I might not sin against Thee." v. 11.

1. The word of Christ is to "dwell in us richly." Col. 3:16.

B. A young preacher asked an older one how he knew so much scripture.

1. The older preacher said that his head was like a bucket that had holes in it...fill it with water and some will leak out;...but keep filling it to maintain a desired level.

2. We are so prone to forget, we need to keep filling our minds with the word of God.

C. Some examples of what the word hidden in our hearts can do:

1. The mind is like a computer, it stores information.

a. Whenever we are tempted to miss a service of the church, we need to have Heb. 10:25 stored to remind us that this would not be advisable.

b. Whenever we are tempted to gossip, use foul language, tell lies, etc., we need to have Col. 4:6 stored in our hearts to remind us against such.

c. If I hide or store 1 Jno. 3:9 in my heart, does it mean it is physically impossible for me to sin?

1) No! Put a fence between a cow and a cornfield. The cow CANNOT eat the corn because of the barrier. Remove the fence and the cow will eat the corn.

2) Likewise, we CANNOT sin UNLESS the barrier of God's word, is removed from our lives.


Psa. 51:1-4; 2 Sam. 12:13

A. he did not talk of the sins of others, and try to blame them for his condition.

B. He said, "MY sin is ever before me." See 2 Sam. 11:2-12, 15.

1. David did not say that Bathsheba was at fault, even though she was partly to blame. Acts 10:9.

a. It was a custom in that day to walk upon the housetop.

2. He was forgiven of his sins, but God did not promise that David would be able to forget his sins.

3. Adam blamed Eve, Gen. 3:12, Eve blamed the serpent, Gen. 3:13, King Saul blamed the people, etc. 1 Sam. 15:15.

C. Jas. 5:16, tells us to confess our faults.

1. The first step on the road to conversion is to acknowledge that we are sinners. Rom. 3:23.


Psa. 139:14.

A. David praised God with instruments of music. Psa. 150. May we do the same?

1. He also offered animal sacrifices and burned incense. May we do so? Col. 2:14.

2. According to 2 Jno 9, we must find the authorization for our religious activities in the N.T.

B. David, the KING, said "I will praise thee."

1. Do you know of a ruler today that praises God and gives Him glory?

C. Why did David praise God? He said, "I am wonderfully and fearfully made."

1. He realized the marvelous creation and makeup of the human body.


A. How easy it is to lose control of this very small member of our body.

1. Whenever we go to a doctor for an examination or diagnosis and treatment of an illness, he tells us to "stick out your tongue."

a. He is able to tell much concerning the system of man by just looking at the tongue.

2. What if the Great Physician, Jesus, should say to you at this hour, "stick out your tongue."

a. What would He find out about your life?

b. What would He see on your tongue?

1) Would He see profinity, gossip, slander, careless talk, etc."

2) Would He find you "sowing discord among brethren" with your tongue? Prov. 6: 12-19.

c. Jas. 3 tells us much about the use and misuse of the tongue.


Psa. 119:104.

A. When we see the word "therefore", we need to go back and see what it is "there for".

1. In this case, David has been upholding the word of God and telling how he loved it and how that through it he gained understanding, "therefore he hated every false way."

B. Did David hate sinners? No! He hated sin.

1. Every false way, takes in everything religiously that is not according to the doctrine of Christ.

a. There are false teachers among us today!


A. Notice what David said about unity: It is:

1. Good -- Pleasant.

2. Some things are good but not pleasant -- medicine.

3. Some things are pleasant but not good -- drinking alcohol.

B. There might be two brothers in a family.

1. One is always fussing, quarrelling, picking, he thrives on unrest.

2. The other one does everything he can to promote unity in the family.

3. Which brother truly loves the family?


1. Paul tells us in Rom. 15:4, "For whatsoever things were written aforetime were written for our learning, that through patience and through comfort of the scriptures we might have hope."

2. So, this that we have learned concerning David, a man after God's own heart, should be helpful to us in ordering our lives.

3. You have the opportunity today to become a man or a woman, a boy or girl, after God's own heart.

A. This can be accomplished by obedience to His will and steadfastness in His service.

4. Why not seek a closeness and reconciliation with God today while you have the opportunity to do so?

By Jim Sasser

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