How You Can Do Great Things For God
Sometimes it is the small things that produce greatness.

Appreciation and affection for God and Christ produce a natural desire to do something great for God.
This desire is deepened by the seeming insignificance of what we are now doing for God.
The desire to do something great for God is good.
To realize our indebtedness to the Lord is good because it produces proper attitudes and feelings for the Lord.
Knowing our blessings are undeserved protects us against arrogance, pride, and stubbornness.
The desire to do something great can result in a life of true service.
But the desire to do something great can also be dangerous.
We can feel that anything we do is insignificant, unimportant, and worthless to God.
We can feel incapable of doing anything genuinely meaningful.
We can become defeatists who possesses terrible spiritual self-images.

What Is A Great Thing?
Most are convinced they have never done anything great for God.
What makes an act or deed a great thing?
How are great things distinguished from insignificant things?
Is it a matter of results?
Is it the magnitude of the deed?
Is it the impact the deed has on society?
Is it measured in continuing influence?
Is it determined by the number of people affected?
Is it a matter of the changes which result from the deed?
In the NT, who did great things for Christ? Paul?, Peter?, James?, John?, Barnabas?, Timothy?, Titus?
While the apostles might be on our list virtually nothing is known about the lives and deeds of most of them.
Apollos was an eloquent preacher, but not one of his sermons is recorded.
Luke wrote Luke and Acts and was a travelling companion of Paul, but little is known about what he did and where he served.
So many names associated with greatness are of Christians about whom little is known.

Examples of Greatness
(Consider people Jesus called great)
A Roman Centurion - Matthew 8:5-13
A Canaanite woman - Matthew 15:21-28.
A poor widow - Mark 12:41-44

Many did small things which were great in God’s eyes.
By most people's standards these people did nothing significant, earthshaking, or of lasting importance.
By God’s standards, their deeds were of such significance that their names and deeds will never die.
Consider the memorable characters of Jesus parables.
Kings or people of noble birth, wealth and power?
A Shepherd who searched for one lost sheep - Luke 15:4-7
A prodigal son who returned home - Luke 15:11-32
A Samaritan who helped an injured Jew - Luke 10:25-37
A widow who pled with an unrighteous judge - Luke 18:1-5

God’s Definition
Living a consistent, godly life is a great thing.
Controlling the mind, the tongue, and the body and using each for righteousness - 2 Corinthians 10:5; James 3:2
Being a person of compassion - 1 Peter 3:8
Trusting God with one's life and future - Matthew 6:25-34
Refusing grudges, bitterness, and hostility a place in the heart.
To possess a love which hurt cannot overshadow.
To use forgiveness to build a future with those who have been offensive - Ephesians 4:31-32
Mercy, kindness, unselfish service, and steadfastness with all their kindred feelings, attitudes, and acts.
Great servants of God are built through years of doing small things of true greatness - Luke 16:10.

Naaman 2 Kings 5 “Behold I thought…”
Are we also guilty of the same thinking?
Do something great for God.
Be a devout, committed Christian.
Live for the Lord daily.
Fulfill each days opportunities without considering how big or little the deeds are.
Years of such living will result in true greatness by God's definition.

By Carey Scott

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