1. Reading of Scripture -- (Lk. 13:23-30).
2. Nature of question asked of Jesus - (vs. 23).
3. Tendency of man to ask idle questions and neglect important ones.

I. Christ's Answer:

A. Indulged no gratification of idle curiosity.
B. Used question to direct attention to the essential thing.
C.Thus Jesus turned every occasion when possible.
1. For other examples, see Jno. 4: 7-45; 6:26-59; Lk. 19:1-8.

II. Facts About The Way To Heaven:

A. Entrance requires striving--agonizing. Ease disastrous to God's ancient people (Amos 6:1-5). The same threatens the church now. The blight of lukewarmness (Rev. 3:15, 16).

B. Entrance is through a narrow door. Such necessitates restraints from fleshly lusts (Gal. 5:19-21), false doctrines (2 Jno. 9) are not to be admitted into one's house.

C. Many are deceived who think they are on the way to heaven (Lk. 13:24; Matt. 7:21,22). Professors who make adequate preparation (Heb. 2:1-3; 4:1). The world will crowd Christian services out (Lk. 8:14).

D. The time for entrance is limited (vs 25). Mercy lingers now. The Master may close the door any day. We see doors closing daily for others. No time to delay preparation.

E. We should make our preparation as sure as possible. The facts considered show this (2 Pet. 1:10). Applications may be made concerning necessity of baptism, action of baptism, the name, music in worship, questionable amusements, and many other things.

III. Few Will Be Saved: --

A. Silence of this text. (See information found in Matt. 7:13, 14).

B. Why will few be saved?
1. Not because the way is obscure. "
2. Many reject the way because it is strait and narrow. They plead inability to live it.
3. Many who claim to travel it fall short.
4. Many plan to travel the broad way until satisfied, then turn. Their hearts become hardened by sin; they cannot hear nor feel.

1. These facts show sinners the danger of procrastination.
2. Christians should give the more earnest heed and diligence.
3. The greatest tragedy of a life is the failure to enter heaven.

This outline was presented in the Gospel Advocate of Feb. 6, 1941. And was written by brother Gardner S. Hall.

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