Jno. 15:18-25.


1. Consider the condition of countries where Christ is not taught. A. Usually such countries have a very low standard of living; they have low ideals; there is sometimes slavery; cannibalism, etc.

2. There is a vast difference in countries where Christ is taught.

A. His influence is shown in art; litrerature; music; religion; and in many other things of life.

B. In such countries we hear of the Sermon on the Mount; the golden rule, the rule of right, rather than the rule of might.

3. Note the text; Jno. 15:18-25.

A. Here Jesus says: "If I had not come..."

1) In this we have a supposition.

2) So, the majority of our remarks in this lesson will be based on this supposition.

B. He further says: "And spoken unto them..."

1) By argument and miracle, He proved His divinity.

2) That was the purpose of the Book of John and other books that record His miracles. Jno. 20:30,31.

C. Another statement He made was: "They had not had sin..."

1) This does not mean that no one sinned before Christ came.

a. Because we read: "There is none righteous, no not one..." Rom. 3: 10; 23.

b. We are told that the law was added because of transgression. Gal. 3:19.

2) But they would not have the sin of rejecting Christ, the Messiah.

D. He then states: "Now they have no cloak or excuse for their sin..."

1) In other words, they have no covering or excuse for their sin of rejecting Him.

2) So, the consequences are shown in Jno. 15:23-25.

4. Now, let us give close attention to the supposition, "If Christ Had Not Come."


A. That was a part of the mission of Christ. Mt. 5:17,18; Heb. 10:9.

B. Note how and when the law was fulfilled. Eph. 2:15,16; Col. 2:14.

1. We can illustrate this by the old and new license plates that we get for our cars; the old becomes obsolete whenever the new one comes in.

2. His death upon the cross served a dual purpose; it fulfilled the law and the prophets and redeems us from sin. Heb. 10;10,14.

C. Thereby we became dead to the law. Rom. 7:4.

1. God had been married by His law to the Jews. Jer. 3:14:31:32.

2. Many are still married to Moses today, therefore they are living in spiritual adultery. Rom. 7. 3. We are not obligated to keep the law of Moses now. Col. 2:16.

a. In fact, Gentiles never have been obligated to keep the law of Moses. It was given to those who came out of Egyptian bondage.

4. Those that seek to be justified by animal sacrifices, burning of incense, instrumental music, keeping the sabbath day, and keeping the ten commandments, are fallen from grace. Gal. 5:4.

D. Now just suppose Christ had not come.

1. The Gentiles had been given up to their wickedness. Rom. 1:24-28

2. They were without God and without hope in the world. Eph. 2:12.


Rom. 1:16

A. To redeem means: "To rescue; ransom; buy back."

1. Christ did this for lost sinners by the shedding of His own precious blood. 1 Pet. 1:18,19.

2. It has always been true that "without the shedding of blood there is no remission." Heb. 9;22.

a. But the blood of bulls and goats could not take away sins. Heb. 10; 4.

B. How can lost man learn of this redemption? By studying the gospel, the words of God. 2 Tim. 2:15.

1. Therefore, the gospel is the power of God unto salvation because:

a. It gives us an inheritance among those who are sanctified. Acts 20:32.

b. It saves our souls. Jas. 1:21; 1 Pet. 1:22.

c. It reconciles us unto God. 2 Cor. 5:19.

C. The importance of the gospel is noted in the figure of a birth. Jno. 3:5.

1. But how are we begotten? Jas. 1:18. How are we born anew? 1 Pet. 1:23.

2. The importance of being a child of God is seen in Rom. 8:16,17.


Col. 1:20-23.

A. To reconcile means: "To bring back into harmony; to settle differ- ences."

1. To bring about this reconciliation, it is necessary that the barbs of differences standing between God and man be removed.

a. It is man's sin that separates him from his God. Isa. 59:1,2.

2. Husbands and wives that are estranged, must reconcile their differ- ences by resolving them.

B. Christ made it possible for man to remove the cause of his separ- ation from God. Rev. 1:5; Rom. 5:10.

1. This can be accomplished by baptism. Acts 22:16.

C. The saved are added to the church wherein is reconciliation. Eph. 2:16.

1. This should remove forever the idea that one can be saved outside the church.

2. This would be the same as saying that one could be saved without reconciliation to God.


Mt. 16:13-19

A. The Lord built but one church. Eph. 4:4; Col. 1:18.

1. When there is only ONE of a thing, you do not have a "choice".

2. The Lord, not men, puts all the saved therein. Acts 2:47.

3. It was purchased by the precious blood of Jesus. Acts 20:28.

a. So, to say that one can be saved without the church is to say that one can be saved without the blood of Christ. Mt. 26:28.

b. The church is the saved. It is the body of Christ. His kingdom.

4. At the sound of the trump of God, in that last day, He is coming to receive it unto Himself and to take it back to heaven, to mansions prepared. 1 Cor. 15:24; Jno. 14:1-3.


A. There is but one mediator between God and man---Jesus Christ. 1 Tim. 2:5.

1. A mediator is: "A go-between, one who mediates between two parties with the view of producing peace." Vine.

a. To illustrate: there are Federal mediators that serve to settle strikes between labor and management.

b. To qualify as a mediator, one must possess the nature and attributes of him toward whom he acts, and also for whom he acts.

c. Jesus qualifies because He was both God and man. Jno. 1:1-3, 14 Phil. 2:6. 1)

Neither God nor man can find fault with Him.

2. He is therefore, a mediator available for every need. Heb. 7:25.


A. Before Christ came men were asking: "If a man die, shall he live again?" Job 14:14.

1. There was no positive answer to the question before He came.

2. There was much guessing, speculating, and questioning among men, especially between the Pharisees and Sadducees.

B. But Jesus came with comfort for the broken-hearted. Jno. 10:10; 11:25,26; 14:19.

C. There are three great matters which concern all men: Life, Death, and Eternity.

1. Christ alone has the only definite, authoritative and satisfying word concerning all three of these. Rev. 1:18.

D. Christ broke the prison bars of death by His resurrection. 1 Cor. 15: 21,22; 53-57.

1. With Paul, we can count it all joy to die if we are in Christ. Phil. 1:21

2. We know there is a better place, a house not made with hands, eternal in the heavens. 2 Cor. 5:1.


1. Truly, Jesus Christ is the hope of the world.

A. But what hope would we have if He had not come?

2. His coming has been in vain for those who have not obeyed the gospel.

3. But "Thanks be to God for His unspeakable gift." 2 Cor. 9:15.

4. Won't you come to Him penitently, obediently, and trustingly?

A. If so, He will receive you and bless you for all time and eternity.

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