Lead Me Home

Introduction: To lead, the dictionary defines to lead as:
* To go before or with
* To show the way
* To influence or induce another
* To guide in directions, course, action, opinion
* To act as a guide
A. We desperately need positive Biblical Leadership in our world today. Jesus, in His day, said “I am the way” John 14:6.
B. There is only one path that we can follow to safely arrive in heaven. Mt. 7:13-14
Narrow is the gate and difficult is the way…
C. Here are a few practical daily suggestions that you may incorporate in your lives to lead in the right direction.

A. Lead a good life. We need to live the best life that we can live, that of a faithful Christian. Phil. 2:5
Let this mind be in you which was also in Christ Jesus,
B. Lead someone to Christ. We are responsible for fulfilling the great commission. Mt 28:18-20; Mk 16:15-16; Luke 24:44-46; John 15:8
Go therefore and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them
C. Lead someone back to God. There are many who have left the faith, and it is the responsibility of the faithful to lead the erring back into the safety of the fold. Gal. 6:2
Bear one another's burdens, and so fulfill the law of Christ.
D. Lead someone to church. So many of our friends and acquaintances do not attend worship anywhere. Invite them to come to church services with you.
E. Lead at home. Dads lead, or if you have failed, repent and become the spiritual leader of the home. Eph 5:25
Husbands, love your wives, just as Christ also loved the church and gave Himself for her, (Ephesians 5:25)
1. Moms are to have the faith of Lois & Eunice. 2 Tim 1:5; Eph 5:22
2. Children have the proper respect for your parents Eph 6:1
Children, obey your parents in the Lord, for this is right.
F. Lead at work, in the classroom, attendance, Gospel Meetings, Wal-Mart, lead everywhere we are. Mt 5:14-16
"You are the light of the world.”
1. Grandparents lead your grandchildren in the proper aspect of Christian faith and works.
2. Elders lead the church by your proper Biblical authority and example.
G. Lead like Stephen, Have a forgiving heart. Acts 7:60
"Lord, do not charge them with this sin."
H. Lead like Paul, Caring for the lost souls and by imitating Christ in all that we say or do. 1 Cor. 11:1
“For it has been declared to me… there are contentions among you.”
I. Lead like Barnabas, Known as an encourager. Acts 4:36
(which is translated Son of Encouragement)
J. Lead like the poor widow, Let’s give all we have and hold nothing back of our time, talents, or energies. Mark 12:42
but she out of her poverty put in all
K. Lead like Christ, In such a way that our will never takes precedence over that of our heavenly Father. Mt 26:39
not as I will, but as You will."

L. Lead with your life! Phil 2:5
1. Let each of us lead today and every day of our lives with the mind of Christ.
2. Let us live in such a way that you will have that blessed assurance of our Father leading us to our eternal home in heaven above.

By Gary D. Murphy

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