Saying and Doing

I. Introduction
A. Matthew 23:2-4
1. Jesus begins His condemnation of the Pharisees and scribes
by pointing out their hypocrisy
2. They say, but they do not do!
3. They understand enough to tell others what they should do,
but they themselves are not willing to bear the same
B. James 1:22-25
1. The contrast between hearing and doing
2. Like the man looking at his face, forgets what he sees
3. Very easy to do!
C. 2 Corinthians 10:11
1. Paul shows us the way it ought to be
2. What we say is what we do!
D. How can we get to the point where we are doing what we say?

II. What Are We Saying?
A. The first thing we need to consider is what we are saying!
B. After all, perhaps we are saying what we are doing-- but we
should not be saying or doing those things!
C. Ephesians 4:25: we are to speak truth with one another
D. We are to speak God's word as entrusted to us by Him
(2 Corinthians 2:17)
E. Matthew 12:34/Luke 6:45
1. Our mouth speaks out of the "abundance of the heart"
2. If the heart is full of evil, thus the mouth will speak
3. But if the heart is full of good things, because it has been
filled with good things (Philippians 4:8,
Galatians 5:22-24), thus the mouth will speak
F. Therefore, we ought to say what is right and good and holy!

III. What Are We Really Doing?
A. If we are saying what we ought to say, what are we doing?
B. When we consider this question, we must remember that we are
asking what we are really doing, and not what we intend to do
or what we think we are doing
C. The Double Standard-- Matthew 7:1-5
1. A familiar passage to us
2. Yet it reveals the double standard!
3. verse 2-- judgment by the same standard
4. verses 3-5-- can see speck in another's eye, not log in own
5. Indicates a truism: we judge ourselves by our intentions and
"best side," while we judge others by their actual
6. In turn, we are judged by others by our actual performance!
D. The Double Standard injurious in many ways
1. First of all, it hinders us from being able to help and
serve our fellow man
2. Yet we, also, ultimately suffer!
3. After all, we're the ones with the log in our eye and we
don't know it!
E. How do we not see the "log"?
1. There are some people who are entirely oblivious for various
2. Some cannot stand to look at themselves in reality and
choose to accept the lie about themselves
3. Others are just clueless
4. But the majority of people are not oblivious!
5. Instead, we always allow our examinations of ourselves to be
colored by our intentions and what we know we can be as
opposed to seeing ourselves for who we really are!
a. We know that in our minds we have the right priorities,
even if we do not act on them
b. We know that we can do better and perhaps at times have
done better, and we rest ourselves in that thought
6. Yet, all the while, everyone around us sees what we are
actually doing apart from our intentions and attitudes!
F. Thus, when we look at the "speck" in others' eyes...
1. ...we should remember our own "log"
2. We should recognize that others probably also are seeing
themselves according to their intentions which are probably
better than their actions, as with ourselves
G. Solution: take out the "log"! (cf. 2 Corinthians 13:5)
1. We must be humble and honest enough to see ourselves as we
really are
2. Not pleasant, uncomfortable, but necessary for true
3. Then, armed with proper humility, a recognition of our own
failures, and an attitude of love and concern for others, we
can help our brother with his "speck" (cf. Galatians 6:1-2)

IV. The Impact of Saying and Doing
A. Remember: everyone around you sees you for what you actually
do, not what you intend to do or hope to do
B. This is true in every relationship!
C. Marriage
1. Your husband or wife sees what you actually do, and by
reason of closeness to you may understand your hopes or
intentions (Genesis 2:24), but still see whatever hypocrisies
may exist
2. It may be easy to complain about what they are doing-- but
could they just as easily complain about what you are doing?
In the end, whose behavior can you change-- theirs or yours?
D. Parenting
1. Children have great hypocrisy detectors-- they know the
difference between what you say and what you do!
2. Contrary to whatever you may hope or say, they will more
likely do what you do than do what you say if you do not do
it-- and many children are turned off to religion because
of the hypocrisy of their parents
3. Ephesians 6:1-4: raising children in discipline and
admonition of the Lord requires your actual conduct as much
as your words!
E. Friends and Family
1. Friends and family are influenced by your conduct, attitude,
and words
2. If you are the ambassador to Christ for your family or
friends, what message are they receiving
(cf. 2 Corinthians 5:20)?
3. Are they learning of the peace that surpasses understanding
or do they see that you are no different from anyone else in
the world (Philippians 4:7, Matthew 5:13-16)?
F. Work or School
1. Do the people around you at work or school know that you are
a Christian by what you say or by what you say and do
(cf. Ephesians 6:5-9)?
2. Do you serve in your capacities or do you reflect similar
attitudes as everyone else?
G. Among brethren
1. Do you keep your commitments to brethren?
2. Do you seek to encourage as you are encouraged
(Hebrews 10:24), or is it a "one way street" for you?
3. Are you a support or strength for other Christians, or a
cause for discouragement?
H. Before God and Christ
1. Are you honest with yourself before God in prayer, or do you
try to fool God?
2. Is He your greatest priority (Matthew 6:33)? Not just
ideally, but in reality?
3. Do you affirm that Christ is Lord not just in word but also
by doing the will of His Father (cf. Matthew 7:21-23)?
I. These are difficult and demanding questions!
J. We can see, however, how we can have a very strong impact in
the lives of others by what we do versus what we say!

V. Conclusion
A. The world has never lacked people who say one thing but do
B. While Christians will always be hypocritical at some level,
since we are not perfect and we stumble (1 John 1:8), we should
strive to make what God says and what we do match!
C. We ought to consider our faults and failings and be humble,
granting mercy and understanding to others for their faults and
failings as we would like to have the same mercy and
understanding (cf. Luke 6:31)
D. Let us say and do, and praise God for His mercy!
E. Invitation/songbook

Ethan R. Longhenry

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