1 Cor. 1:10-24; Isa. 53.


1. The word "Cross" comes from the Greek word "Stauros" and simply means "Stake".

A. It is found 28 times in the New Testament.

2. The word "Crucify" also comes from the same root word that cross comes from.

A. It is used about 44 times in the New Testament.

3. Neither word is used in the Old Testament.

A. But we have several occasions of men being hanged on "trees" mentioned in the Old Testament: Gen. 40:19; Deut. 21:22,23; Jos. 8:29; 10: 26,27; Esth. 2:23.

4. The cross upon which Christ died is also referred to as a tree. Acts 8:29; 10:39; 13:29;Gal. 3:13; 1 Pet. 2:24.

5. Since the Bible says that Christ died upon a cross, men have let their imaginations run wild in the creation of different types of crosses.

A. But there were three major types considered to be in use in different parts of the world whenever Christ died.

1. The Latin cross as we commonly know it and accept it. The cross shaped like a T. And the one shaped like an X.

6. Men have argued loud and long as to which of these three crosses was used in Christ's crucifixion.

A. The majority of scholars accept the Latin cross as being the one used by the Romans for such purpose.

7. People have put a lot of stock and emphasis upon this horrible instrument of death and torture.

A. Replicas of such have been created in gold and silver and precious stones and worn upon the bodies of both men and women, especially those of religious orders.

B. They are and have been used in all types of rituals and to ward off evil and perform exorcism.

C. Others, of steel, cement, wood, etc., have been erected or hung in homes, churches, parks, and on hillsides throughout the world.

1. There is a very large cross erected on a high mountain in South America, referred to as "The Cross of The Andes."

a. It can be seen for many, many miles in all directions and is noticeable to those who are flying in and out of the area by commercial planes.

8. Even brethren in the church allow or even order such to be used in the architecture of their church buildings.

A. Some of our good sisters and brothers seem to like to wear crosses of gold around their necks or as earrings.

B. In so doing, they are mimicking the Catholics and other religious orders who have deified the cross as they have Mary.

C. I saw a replica of the cross in a church yard in Rome that had Jesus suspended from it on one side and Mary on the other.

9. But, I want to hasten to say that my interest is not in the instrument upon which the Lord of Glory died, but in Him who died there and the purpse of His death.

10. So, as we are surveying the wonderous cross today, we are going to be looking beyond the physical instrument of torture and death.

A. In so doing, we will be looking at the sacrifice and its purpose.

B. The text that we are using, 1 Cor. 1:10-24, is not dealing with the instrument upon which Christ died, but is dealing with the plan of salvation.


A. Curse -- Gal. 3:13; Deut. 21:23.

B. Reproach -- Heb. 11:26; 13:12,13.

C. Offense -- 1 Cor. 1:23; Gal. 5:11.

D. Suffering -- Matt. 16:21; 17:12; 1 Pet. 4:1.

E. Shame -- Heb. 12:2; 6:6.


A. Cure -- Matt. 9:10-13; Jer. 8:20-22.

B. Redeemed -- Gal. 3:13; Eph. 1:;7; Heb. 9:12; 1 Pet. 1:18,19.

C. Offering -- Heb. 9:14,28; 10:10-14.

D. Sanctification -- 1 Cor. 1:30,2; Eph. 5:25-27; Heb. 13:12.

E. Salvation -- Heb. 5:5-9.


1. We have now surveyed the wonderous cross as the Bible would have us see it.

A. What does it mean to you?

2. Is it still just an instrument of death and torture used for punishment of the vilest criminals?

3. Or when you hear the word "cross" does it mean more to you than that?

4. After studying this lesson today, could it not mean to you the over-all scheme of redemption for mankind?

A. This is what we hope that it will mean to you and that you will never think of it with any less meaning and value.

5. Let us never be guilty of deifying the cross of wood or whatever, nor ever be guilty of making an idol of it in our lives.

6. Salvation is in the gospel plan and not in the means by which the Sacrifice was offered.

A. Or the instrument upon which it was carried out.

By Jim Sasser

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