We Ignore God
You might say that you never ignore God, but you could be wrong.
Let us see what we are talking about.

God is everywhere.
He is Omni-present.
The Psalmist in chapter 139 writes of the presence of God wherever we go.
God is near, and not far off.
He is as close to us, all around us, and for some, even in us.
Jesus taught that those who are in Christ also have the blessedness of having God the Father in them as well.

The truth of the matter is that while God is everywhere, He only occupies our hearts if we allow Him to come in.
Sometimes we keep God boxed up as a back-up plan if all else fails.
Sometimes, we do not want God to see what we are doing.
Our minds may pretend to host God, but our actions really determine whether we serve the God of heaven or something else.
Romans 6:16 tells us that we are the servant of the one we serve.
When we realize the presence of God, why do we continue to ignore Him?

Who Is The “WE”?
Ok, we should define and specify who the “we” is that we are discussing.
We as humanity meaning everyone alive.
We as a nation under God.
We in the community of faith which includes all religions.
We in the local church.
And if we are not careful, We as individuals.
This last one does not apply to everyone, but it does to many.

We as humanity have for the most part ignored the God of heaven.
Ok, we in the local church are human so we fall into this category.
We are just one small portion of humanity.
So understand this to mean the majority of humanity.
Humanity has chosen to do what they want to do with little regard for how God wants us to act, behave, and live.
We as humanity go through our everyday existence giving little regard to God and His authority and truth as found in the Bible.
Most humanity ignores God.
Immorality is running rampant as a wild fire, but the hoses are being turned towards the bible beaters and those nasty old fundamentalists, because most of humanity want us to respect their rights to practice sin.
It is true that immoral people have rights.
Will they try to remind God they have the right to sin when they stand before Him in judgment?
Sadly, the rights of Christians (who actually speak God’s truths) are being taken away at an alarming rate throughout the world.

We as a nation.
It is obvious that honoring and respecting God is becoming more and more unpopular.
Fewer people are professing a faith in God, and even fewer are willing to take a stand for the truth.
Our politicians mock the Bible and make fun of it, and are praised for their words.
Our laws are now written to silence those who would promote morality and the truth of God’s words.
As many people in times past used to call America a “Christian nation”, it is obvious that there is very little that is "Christian" that is being promoted these days by our leadership and our general population.
The truth is that this nation has never been a Christian nation.
However, many of the laws were written to reflect Christian values and principles, and people mistakenly claim this to be a Christian nation.
At one time in our history the majority of people were seeking to worship and serve the God of heaven, but they were quickly outnumbered by people of all faiths and heritages.

We in the community of faith.
Sadly many who claim to be God’s spokespersons and spiritual leaders appear to ignore God with more frequency.
Many of our preachers and teachers are leaving the word of God and substituting it with philosophy or comedy and books of supposed spiritual leanings, yet most leave out what is really important from God’s word.
Even the commandments of God are treated with little respect from the pulpits of our land.
Many pulpits are nothing more than political soap boxes and people seeking to promote some sort of social agenda.
If the preachers would speak God’s truth and tell women that killing their unborn babies is murder, life might be more respected.
If preachers would tell people that sex outside of marriage is fornication and will produce the wrath of God, there might be less pornography and prostitution.
If preachers would teach us to love our neighbors, there just might be less robbery and hatred in our world.
In the church today, we have more brethren ignoring God.
They turn to materialism and greed.
They turn to pride and selfishness.

They begin to turn away those who preach the truth to listen to those who do not preach all the truth.
I read on social media sometimes from faithful Christians asking where are all the sound preachers who are bold to speak the truth.
The problem is the people do not care for the truth as they care for someone to tell them they are just fine (2 Timothy 4:3-4).
As a result, they can continue their current lifestyle without any guilt.
Many would be just as happy for their preacher to lie to them instead of stepping on their toes.
They just want those feel-good sermons.
The truth is that any sermon should make you feel good, when you learn from it and apply it as needed.
The Bible says that the Lord is near and not far off.
Isaiah 46:12-13 “Listen to Me, you stubborn-minded, who are far from righteousness. I bring near My righteousness, it is not far off; and My salvation will not delay, and I will grant salvation in Zion, and My glory for Israel”
In fact the Bible says that the Lord is in our midst.
Isaiah 12:6 “Cry aloud and shout for joy, O inhabitants of Zion, for great in your midst is the Holy One of Israel”.
Of course this is dependent on us allowing Him to be there.

He observes our every action and knows our every thought.
Proverbs 5:21 “For the ways of man are before the eyes of the LORD, and he pondereth all his goings”.
And we will have no defense to offer on judgment day if we do not seek the Lord here and now.
Please take a few minutes today and read Isaiah 55.

Does “we” mean everyone has ignored God?
Some of us who are true Christians actually respect God and His truth.
Will you see for yourself that there are people still faithful to God.
Remember that God is watching us with patience while the judgment is to come.

By Carey Scott

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