What Makes A False Doctrine?
Mr. X provides a list of
characteristics of a false doctrine on page 7. I will print them below. As we
go through this study, please try to determine where the truth is and where the
false doctrine is.
1. Some passages related to the topic must be ignored, distorted, twisted and
added to in order to uphold a false doctrine.
2. A new (different from the Bible, not found in the scripture) vocabulary of
words, terms, and definitions must be learned.
3. Assumptions are frequent and treated as scripture.
4. Human reasoning and conclusions replace the Word of God.
5. Man becomes the final authority and not God.
6. Man-made laws and solutions replace the Word of God.
7. A false doctrine just does not fit with the other passages on the same
subject. If one scripture bumps against other scriptures, like gears in a gear
box that do not mesh with one another thus grinding, distorting, and breaking
one another, something is wrong. All that God says on any topic will mesh and
fit perfectly together.
Remember, that these are the
words of Mr. X. After we have concluded this study, return to this page and
read the characteristics of a false doctrine again. Then determine where the
truth is.
Go to the next section How
To Identify The Truth
Return to the index Divorce and Remarriage
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