Let It Go!
If you are a parent or grandparent, you know this is the title of a song from the movie: "Frozen". The sentiments from the song are quite simple, and there is a lesson we can learn from it. We usually let the little things and the things we cannot control bother us to the point that we seemingly cease to function.
The world of politics and the ideologies of cultures, governments, and religious nuts can capture our attention for hours upon end, yet we cannot control any of it. So, let it go!
Sometimes, our health bothers us. It makes us feel bad or we get a headache that is really bothersome. We know that if we more active and mobile that we would be in better health and we also know if we ate a proper diet, it would help. Sometimes we are broken down by the ravages of time. There is not a one of us who is not getting older. A lot of our problems have been years in the making and the results of our past have caught up to us. On the TV I watch the show "A Football Life". It highlights some of the greatest players and coaches. The story of their glory days was one of watching a specimen of strength, agility, speed, and determination. Yet all of them have worn down bodies today. They are in wheelchairs or need the assistance of walking canes. Today they suffer great pain and so do we. Really, there is not much we can do about it, so let it go! Put it in God's hands and care, and let Him worry about your health. You will be amazed how much better you will feel when you do so.
We get so bothered by things in our lives that we cannot control. We also make a big issue over some trite matter. Have you ever gone for a walk, and all of a sudden there is a boulder in your shoe? So you sat down and pulled your shoe off only to find a stone the size of a grain of sand was bugging you?
Now, let us talk about our spiritual health. We should never be too old to remember God each day. We should pray often, and we probably do if we are hurting somewhere in our body or our heart. How often do we pray when we are feeling fine and we have no major problems in our life? 1 Peter 5:7 tells us to cast our care upon God, because He cares for you.
Philippians 4:6-7 tells us not to be anxious for anything, but to turn it over to God. When we do so, the peace of God which surpasses all comprehension, shall guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.
The more we concentrate upon God's goodness and the blessings He bestows upon us, the less we worry about the world and what is going on in it. When we consider that God probably fields many complaints, our little problems seem smaller than they really are. Too small to even consider that God wants to hear them. Yet God wants to hear our problems. He just wants to hear from you. Tell Him how your day is going. Tell Him your concerns. God tells us hundreds of times in the Bible: "Do not worry", "Do not fear", and "Do not fret". Most of the time these words were directed at other individuals, but in a way, these words are meant for you and me.
So, make up your mind today to "Let It Go!" Let God do what He wants to do. That is, to take care of you. When we can finally give up trying to do things ourselves, and turn them over to God; we will find a great burden lifted from our souls. Let God handle it.
Let It Go!
By Carey Scott

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