<%@LANGUAGE="JAVASCRIPT" CODEPAGE="1252"%> Untitled Document My Duties To The Church

The church is different from all other organizations. It was founded by the Son of God, they were founded by human beings. The church is sacred, having cost the blood of Jesus (Acts 20:28). Other institutions and organizations are in no way her equal. My greatest privilege in this life is to be a disciple of Jesus and a member of his church (Matt. 16:18). With this privilege comes responsibilities.

I. I must appreciate the importance of the church, her sacredness and purity, her destiny. If I fail to do so I will never fulfill my duties to her. God adds all whom He saves to Christ's church (Acts 2:47). Her price is far above rubies.

II. I must understand the church. The only source of certain information I have regarding the church is in the Bible. The Old Testament prophesied of her coming. The New Testament tells of her establishment, organization, worship and doctrine. Thus I will be a serious and diligent student of the holy Book (II Tim. 2:15).

IV. I must love the church as I love Jesus her founder, head and savior (Eph. 1:22; 5:23). She is the bride of Christ, his spiritual body, his kingdom and his family. My love must be such that I will gladly give of my self to advance her interests. I will willingly place her above all other earthly concerns (Matt. 6:33).

V. I must be willing to work and serve as a member of the church. The church has a divinely given mission (Matt. 28:19-20; Jas. 1:27) and I will be first to volunteer to help her accomplish it. No task is too lowly for me.

VI. I will support the church with my material wealth so she can have the necessary means to conduct her business. I will do so without desiring praise or recognition for so doing (II Cor. 9:6-8; 12:15).

VII. I must be willing to defend the church against enemies who assay to do her harm (Phil. 1:16). I will rebuke those who speak evil of her. I will do battle with those who would corrupt her faith or worship (Jude 3). I will not desert her when she is weak or under attack. Her hurts will be my hurts.

VIII. I must strive never to cause shame or embarrassment to the Lord's church. Just as a responsible person does not wish to bring shame to his family, so the faithful Christian will do his best to live a sober, righteous and godly life that will be a credit to the church (Tit. 2:12).


By Unknown Author

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