Oftentimes we don't think much about what we can do as an individual. We can also be convinced that talking about the gospel to one person, encouraging, or comforting one person doesn't count for much. That, however, isn't supported by what we read in the Gospel accounts. Even though Jesus' ministry was limited to about 3 years, He was never "too important" to deal with one person at a time.

Certainly Jesus preached to multitudes in Judea, fed 5,000 people gathered by the Sea of Galilee, and ministered to the crowds in Capernaum. Yet, He never lost sight of the value of one soul!

How encouraging it is to read of His conversation at night with an individual named Nicodemus (Jno. 3) -- This was one person yet he was an important person among the Jews. We read if His visit with one woman at the well of Samaria (Jno. 4) -- Many Samaritans believed because Jesus took time to talk to one Samaritan woman and she in turn told the people of her village about Him and they then came to hear Him themselves.

Then we have the case of Jesus taking time to talk to a man of diminutive stature. A small man by the name of Zaccheus, who had climbed up into a sycamore tree in order to see Jesus as He passed by (Lk. 19). How thrilled he must have been when Jesus saw him in the tree and stopped to talk with him and invited him to come down that He was going to visit with him in his home (19:5).

If you are ever tempted to minimize or diminish the value of what you can do as one person or what you can do by helping one other person, remember these examples of Jesus. The Bible says in (Lk. 15:10) that there is joy in the presence of the angels of God in heaven over one sinner who repents!

By Shane Williams, in The Lilbourn Light, Vol. 7, No. 7,
Nov. 2006.

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