Why God Does Not Answer

Many people are starting to show an interest in the events of today and are worried that this nation is heading for a downfall. This should not surprise us because no earthly government has ever lasted more than a couple of hundred years. Yet people cry to their God, they pray for the nation, they seek for God to bring blessings on our country. But it will not happen. Here is why.
In Isaiah 58 we have a picture of a people who pretend to be serving God. They go through the motions of religion, and they pretend to be religious in their lives, but God is not mocked or fooled. In verse 1 we read that God sent Isaiah to “Cry loudly, do not hold back; raise your voice like a trumpet, and declare to My people their transgressions…”
Today many people get very upset when it is suggested that this is not a Christian nation. Yes we have seen the e-mails and facts that 84% of Americans believe in God. But why don’t they show it? That small 16% is controlling our lives, and the end result will be the downfall of America.
America is not unlike Israel of old. The people pretend to be religious, and then even deceive themselves into thinking that they are good people. Some go to church all the time. Yet even in our churches, the same sins and iniquities infect most of them. Greed, selfishness, fornication, foul language, and so forth. I do not know how many times I heard a person talk about going to church, and moments later take the Lord’s name in vain, or drink an alcoholic beverage. People like their sins, and do not want to give them up. When a preacher tries to declare their sins to them, they disregard him. Sadly many preachers have caved to the pressure and have taught people they can go to heaven without giving up their sins.
The problem with that logic is it is not biblical. The Bible is the word of God, and also our rule book. If we do not live according to the precepts taught in it, and obey the commands God has given us, we will be lost in our sins, and we will not see heaven.
In John 9:31, we read that God does not hear the pray of sinners. This should tell us that God does not answer the prayers He does not hear, and God chooses not to hear those prayers.
So if we want God’s blessings on this country, everybody, and I mean everybody needs to change their ways, and seek to have the sin removed from their lives. Only Jesus can do that for you. Jesus died on the cross because of your sins. As you acknowledge your sin, you should repent and determine to not sin anymore, then you should confess the name of Jesus as your Lord and King and Savior, and then you should be baptized for the remission of your sins. Isaiah 59:2 tells us that our sins keep us separated from God, and baptism washes away sins (Acts 22:16).
If we cannot turn people away from sin, we had better be prepared to face a dark future for this nation. No matter what forces of evil take over, we must prepare ourselves to stand up for Jesus, even if that means extermination. God will take care of those who obey Him.
Come join us at Eastside church of Christ in Ranger to learn how to be pleasing to God.
We meet at the corner of Strawn Rd and Young St. Sunday at 9:45 for class, 10:45 and 5:00 for worship, and on Wednesday at 7:00 for class. Everyone is welcome.

By Carey Scott

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