A. 1st Corinthians 1:25
Although God is in no wise foolish, if there were a foolish aspect to
His nature, it far exceeds the greatest wisdom of man. The greatest of
human knowledge is ignorance and stupidity compared to His greatness.
B. Herein, we will consider the greatness of God’s wisdom as revealed by
scientific foreknowledge in scripture. What science is just figuring
out, the inspiration of God long ago revealed.

A. Genesis 2:1-2; Hebrews 4:3
God’s work of creation has been finished since the beginning, but
people believed in spontaneous generation until 1841 when Julius Robert von
Mayer expressed the first law of thermodynamics, that “energy can be neither
created nor destroyed”.
B. Psalm 102:25-26; Isaiah 51:6; Hebrews 1:10-11
In 1850, Rudolf Julius Emanuel Clausius articulated the second law of
thermodynamics, also known as the Law of Entropy, which states that in all
natural processes the usefulness of existing energy deteriorates. God said
long ago that the world would wear out.
C. Hebrews 11:3
All things are made of sub-atomic particles that are invisible even
with the use of the most advanced microscopes. Sub-atomic particles are
still being discovered.
D. Genesis 1:1; 2nd Timothy 1:9; Titus 1:2
According to the word of God, time had a beginning, but scientists
long believed that the universe is infinite. However, in 1992, a probe
called the COsmic Background Explorer (COBE) proved that the universe is
finite and had a definite beginning point.

A. Leviticus 17:11-14
“The life of the flesh is in the blood”, yet well into the nineteenth
century, blood-letting was a routine treatment for practically every major
ailment and people often died as a result.
B. Acts 17:25-26
Karl Landsteiner was awarded the Nobel Prize for discovering, in 1900,
that people of every race have the same base blood plasma, but the word of
God acknowledged this much earlier.
C. Genesis 2:17; 3:19
God formed man from dust and stated that man would return to dust.
90% of household dust consists of dead human skin. In 1982 researchers at
NASA's Ames Research Center confirmed the scriptural account by proving that
every single element found in the human body exists within ordinary soil.

A. Psalm 8:8; Isaiah 43:16
Matthew Fontaine Maury established the Annapolis Naval Academy and is
regarded as the father of oceanography. He charted the world’s ocean
currents in 1855 after this psalm was read to him.
B. 2nd Samuel 22:16; Job 38:16; Jonah 2:5-6
Until about 1840, the ocean floor was thought to be more or less
flat. Britain’s 1872-1876 Challenger expedition marked the beginning of
modern deep-sea exploration, finding one isolated depth of 4,500 fathoms (5½
miles). Until 2003, 71% of the earth was not accurately mapped, but the
NOAA corrected that using advanced satellite technology.
C. Genesis 7:11, 8:2; Job 38:16
In the late 1970's, oceanographers with Woods Hole Oceanographic
Institute first saw and photographed a hydrothermal spring from the deep
water submersible Alvin, but the existence of such springs was recorded
much, much earlier.

A. Job 36:27-28; Amos 5:8; 9:6; Ecclesiastes 1:7
In 1676, Pierre Perrault and Edme Marriotte made a scientific
breakthrough by describing the hydrologic cycle in detail, yet the details
of evaporation, condensation, and precipitation are described in these
ancient texts.
B. Ecclesiastes 1:6
The Jet Stream was discovered by airmen during World War II, but was
written of in scripture much, much earlier.
C. Job 28:25
The notion that there is weight to wind is the basis of both barometry
and aerodynamics, but it was not discovered until 1643 by Evangelista

A. Job 26:10; Proverbs 8:27; Isaiah 40:22
Various cultures have had conceptions of a flat Earth, including
ancient Babylon, Egypt, pre-Classical Greece and pre-seventeenth century
China, yet its spherical nature is referred to repeatedly in scripture.
B. Job 26:7
Scripture records that God hangs the earth on nothing, which we know
to be true scientifically, but the ancient Greeks believed the Titan Atlas
held the earth on his shoulders and the Hindus believed it rested on the
turtle Chukwa.
C. Genesis 15:5; Hebrews 11:12; Psalm 147:4
God knows each star by name, but man cannot count the total of them.
However, Hipparchus claimed in 150 B.C. that there were less than 3,000
stars. Ptolemy, in 150 A.D., agreed with him. Not until the invention of
the telescope in 1608 A.D. did Galileo conclude that the stars are
innumerable. People keep trying, though; as of six years ago, the estimate
was up to 70 sextillion – that’s the number 7 followed by 22 zeroes.
D. Job 38:7
Scripture teaches that stars emit sound, but radio astronomy was not
discovered until 1933 by Karl Guthe Jansky.

A. Romans 1:20
The existence of our invisible God is evident through what He has
B. Colossians 1:16-17
Jesus is the one who made it all and holds it all together. Do you
know Him

By Bryan Matthew Dockens

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