A look at warnings for our spiritual lives and our soul.

There are several synonyms to the word "beware", such as: take care, to refrain, to consider, to take heed, to look, to fear, to avoid, to pay special attention to, to be watchful, to be warned.
To BEWARE is used about 26 times in the Bible.
To TAKE HEED is used about 70 times in the Bible.
To BE WARNED is used about 28 times in the Bible.
These, as well as many other words that would carry the same idea, are in the Word of God for a purpose.
There are warnings and danger signs throughout the Bible.
Certainly, if we can be cognizant of the many warnings and danger signals that we face every day in our physical life, heed them, and thereby save ourselves many physical problems and possibly our lives,
surely, we should be more desirous of heeding the spiritual signals that might save our eternal souls.
To "BEWARE" is to be on one's guard.
This reminds us of the sign we see at railroad crossings that tell us to "stop, look, and listen."
So, the idea that we are dealing with in this lesson could help us to steer clear of problems that might arise in our lives otherwise.
If we heed the "beware" signs that we find in the word of God, we will be able to steer clear of many pitfalls that will be looming before us as we go down life's road.
So, let us "BEWARE".

What Should We Beware?
Unbelief -- Hebrews 3:12; 12:1.
Leaven of the Pharisees -- Matthew 16:11.
Hypocrisy -- Luke 12:1; Matthew 23:23,25,27,29.
Covetousness -- Luke 12:15; Colossians 3:5.
Pretense -- Mark 12:38; 1 Peter 3:1-4.
Dogs, evil workers -- Philippians 3:2; Isaiah 56:9-12.
False teachers -- Matthew 7:15; 2 Peter 2:15.

Why Should We Beware?
To be ready to give an answer -- 1 Peter. 3:15.
Because Satan is seeking to devour us -- 1 Peter 5:8.
Lest we be spoiled -- Colossians 2:8; 2 Peter 2:2.
Lest we be led into error -- Galatians 2:4.
Lest we fall -- 2 Peter 3:17; 1 Corinthians 10:12.
Lest we be deceived -- Galatians 6:7; Colossians 2:18

Who Should We Beware?
False Preachers, Teachers -- Romans 2:21;
1 Timothy 4:16.
The Elders who mis-lead -- Acts 20:28.
All Christians who are not faithful – Philippians 3:1,2.
Ourselves – Matthew 6:1

How Can We Beware?
By recognizing God’s truth -- 2 Timothy 3:16,17;
By knowing God gave us everything in His Divine word, the Bible 2 Peter 1:3.
Through Knowledge. -- Hosea 4:6; Colossians 1:9
Take Heed -- Isaiah 34:16; Mark 8:15; Romans 10:2.
Watch and Pray -- Mark. 13:33,37; Luke 14:38;
By preparing ourselves -- Ephesians. 6:10-18;
1 Corinthians 16:13.
By our personal growth – 2 Peter 3:18.

Yes, we need to BEWARE of physical dangers lest we be harmed.
But, most of all, we need to BEWARE of spiritual dangers that endanger the soul.
One is considered a fool that does not respect the signs of danger.
Is not the one who ignores the warning signs of God not a fool?
Are you a fool or will you pay attention to the warnings from God?

By Carey Scott from an outline by Jim Sasser

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